Saturday, March 15, 2025

‘Johnny’ teaches kids to discover new ideas

"Johnny and the Sprites" has set a new standard in children's programming. Parents are encouraged to watch television with our children to interact with them and help them understand what they're watching. But let's face it: kids shows are fairly horrible.

Trance for the masses

Known globally for his impressive live performances, top quality recorded sound technology and multiple awards including "#2 DJ in the world," Armin Van Buuren has outdone himself yet again.

Dream Theater lifts notes to the skies

The proficient and nearly transcendent work of progressive metal band Dream Theater has kept the heart of artistically complex music beating in an age when three-minute singles and shallow song constructions thrive. With influences ranging from legendary bands Yes and Pink Floyd to Metallica and Rush, Dream Theater has continued to expand and redefine the boundaries of progressive rock - and their latest and ninth album, Systematic Chaos, is no exception.

A letter from the editor

OK, so a monk, a glassblower and a pirate walk into a rave... No, I don't have a punchline to the joke, but rather I present to you a compilation of some of the subjects of the Spring 2008 issue of The Bull.

Hard drive storage unreliable

**Consumer review** Using computers nowadays means that archiving is technically paperless. Writing papers for classes have to be stored somewhere after they have been typed. Pictures from your digital camera have to be organized. Videos downloaded from the Internet have to be shelved digitally.

Canvas of a Different Type

He seemingly came out of nowhere around the corner, carrying his skateboard up the steep hill. He disappeared over the white picket fence of an empty lot between two million-dollar homes only a few hundred feet farther, swallowed by the night and the weeds.

Dealer’s Choice

"I had a gun pointed to my head. It was one of those classic situations when I realized that I should stop," said Riley (not his real name) as he recounted his story.

Neverending Education

Traditionally dressed in her orange robe and sandals, Venerable Phramaha Metta Medhavini certainly stands out on the Pierce College campus, though it may be the last place one might expect to find a Buddhist monk. Founder and Abbess of Wat Dharma Maitreya Temple in San Diego, Calif.

Instrument Aficionado

Step across the threshold of his house and immediately see a sword, some pirate-themed decor and an Xbox 360. Head through the house, passing a room where numerous string instruments hang from the walls. Arriving at his room, notice a U.S. Army beret hanging from a frame, a mandolin sitting between a cello and a bass guitar, and a massive mixing board and microphone resting near his computer.

Art from the fire

It starts off cold, solid and almost invisible. When heated to incredibly high temperatures, it gives off a bright, orange glow and becomes easily moldable. And when it's finished, it returns to its original consistency, locked into the new shape you've chosen for it.
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