Monday, March 17, 2025

The unforgettable ‘Howl’

Where it came from does not matter. If it came to fruition in the insane asylum where Allen Ginsberg met Carl Solomon, for whom the poem was dedicated, has little baring on its existence.

Imagining Colombia

Some would say that it is the beautiful sunsets on the east prairies, other would say that it is the amazing topography of the Andes or the astonishing landscapes of the coffee region.


Text, audio, photos and video combine to create multimedia stories of The Bull Fall/Winter 2008 edition.

Be the change

Black Friday came and went. Was there a reason for all the hype? Or, are we buying into another Generation Y label?


Jared Iorio

Elementary Particulars

Sex is trouble - trouble for your mind, trouble for your peace and quiet. A civilization that builds on the priority of physical development instead of the development of mind, priority of feelings and solutions based on instinct instead of logical thinking, priority of sexual pleasure instead of the most effective cooperation of civilians, is the kind of civilization that will perish.

Evolution of Y

Some people say we are the most selfish, narcissistic generation that ever existed. Some say we are truly a consumer generation, meaning we live by the concept "We are what we consume." Many people claim we lack both loyalty and altruism. Some define us by the year we were born, like some sort of neo-fascists placing virtually-marked people in a virtual concentration camp of stereotypes.

Machinery of beauty

I see the other woman every morning. She's there when I need her and I'm always at her beck and call. When I step out of my house and into my garage, she's waiting for me. My nighthawk black-pearl beauty waits for me as if she has been anticipating this moment all night.

Excellent magazine

Working at a newspaper you hear whispers that the industry is dying, and that there is no future for print journalism. Then I open up a magazine that exemplifies of where I think the future of journalism is going. I want to offer my hearty congratulations to the staff that put together this edition of The Bull magazine.


It's almost midnight. E.D.'s in the makeshift studio with walls covered in sound-insulating foam and egg cartons, floor crowded with synthesizers, machines, and microphones. Though it's not the most fancy studio in the world, it serves its purpose as a place for underground musicians to make their music.
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