Monday, February 17, 2025

MENDing the community one grocery bag at a time

Valley food bank answers the call for those in need during the pandemic Imelda Canales packages food to be distributed at MEND's biweekly Food Bank in Pacoima, Calif., on March 9, 2021. Photo by Katya Castillo. Cars start lining up by 7:45 a.m. on San Fernando Road in Pacoima, to...


...the natural fast food An orange slice hangs in Los Angeles on May 6, 2021. Photo illustration by Katya Castillo. Joe Stepanian opens up The Real Juicery every morning with color on his mind. Lemons, oranges and apples are washed and hung in baskets. The colors act...

Strawberry Sundays

The Chavez family shares their wares at Encino Farmers Market Carlos Chaves places brocoli on the C. Chavez farm stand at the Encino Farmers Market in Van Nuys, Calif., on April 4, 2020. Photo by Katya Castillo. On a cool breezy Sunday, rays from the sun gently shone upon a...

Vegan made to order

California caterer creates plant-based plates for customers Louis Fuentes prepares his vegan fish tacos before deep frying them in Cypress, Calif., on March 14, 2021. Photo by Jackelyn Ruby. It was two years ago when Louis Fuentes had a catering event at an art walk show in San Diego.

Little Ethiopia

The LA neighborhood expands its flavorful landscape A plate filled with cabbage, tomato salad, lentils, pumpkins, green beans and other vegetables are served on injera, a pancake-like bread, from Rahel Ethiopian Vegan Cuisine, in Little Ethiopia in Los Angeles on May 1, 2021. Photo by Katya Castillo.

Distorted Mirror

A former model tackles the challenges of an eating disorder Julia Kinports looks in the mirror in Miami on April 12, 2021. Photo by Michael Loizzo. Stepping into the elevator with a lump in her throat and feeling the urge to throw up, there was...

These Walls Tell Stories

Hidden inside studio walls in The Brewery Artist Lofts in Los Angeles, vibrant colors dance on the walls as Andre Miripolsky proudly displays his LA-centric work in almost every inch of his creation space. It is in this city that he has truly discovered his creative muse that has allowed him to be self-employed since 1982. “Looking at my life,...


Huddled in an intimate circle, surrounding a palm-sized digital camera sitting atop a black tripod, five casually dressed twenty-something year olds break into fits of laughter. Their eyes laser in on the camera’s screen as they review the footage they just shot. The actors  filmed a parody of popular dating websites, such as, taking turns speaking to the camera...

Welcome to the Game Grid

The kids’ audible joy melds with the bleeps and bloops of arcade machines that are old enough to belong to their parents. Air hockey pucks smack around the tables, punctuating the laughter and talking that fills the room. The 2,500 square-foot facility is packed, almost every machine occupied by an eager kid or parent trying to get to the next...

The Call of Music

On a sweltering night inside a dim cantina, glasses clink and patrons burst into drunken laughter, while on the center stage blinding fluorescent lights illuminate the faces of mariachi players. The musicians are clad in suits that match the lit sky, sweating from the hour-long performance of singing, strumming and seducing the audience with love songs.   The final notes...
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