Monday, February 17, 2025

Icing on the cake

Who says small business is dead? Stacy Nakamura makes a go of it—her own way.

Silent No More

Swarms of college students blend together, holding their textbooks, coffee cups and laptops, consumed in thought as they hurry to and from class on the University of California, Los Angeles campus. A bright red hat upon a confident young woman’s head makes a statement, standing out among the crowd. The white capital letters embroidered on the hat read “Make...

The Seductive Art

Behind the black curtain of Bar One in the San Fernando Valley that keeps her hidden from the crowd, Lola Chan changes from conservative clothing she wore entering the club to her lacy and seductive costume that will be revealed to the waiting patrons. The sound of anticipation grows as the entertainment is about to begin. The lights dim...

Welcome to the Cabaret

Hands moving in a fluid like motion and gracefully fluttering fingers displaying a flurry of emotions visually telling a story. American Sign Language Cabaret also known as ASL Cabaret is a variety show produced by Mona Jean Cedar and Jo-Ann Dean. Mona Jean Cedar said, “ASL Cabaret has already exceeded my expectations. We started three years ago in a...

Pushing Boundaries

Gina and the Eastern Block break the mold with controversial antics and a new style of music. 

Beaten, Broken, or Brilliant? (Occupy LA)

Dear Occupants of Los Angeles, It’s me, one of the 99%ers. I’ve seen you around town. I’ve had some conversations with people who claim to represent the movement. However, I still am full of questions and concern.

Escape in LA

Story By: Lital Shoshan Themed restaurants bring the concept of combining design with food and taking people somewhere else. It’s a new way to travel without leaving the city. New adventures and experiences await with unique food and diverse cultures. 1940s America  A bright red-and-white room, candy-striped uniforms. The feel of old America, having a milkshake with French fries. One themed restaurant is...

Playing with fire

A hot light swirls around a young woman, feeling not the cold grasp of the night but the warm embrace of   the flames. Faint roars of the hot element are heard as it paints the night with its orange light. The young lady, with hair auburn as the element that she controls, is focused on the glowing heat tipped...

Dogs: More than just a pet?

A woman carefully puts a red American Apparel sweater around her black cocker spaniel poodle mix and grabs a Perrier bottle from her refrigerator for her dog before leaving for the park. She secures a harness to ensure his safety and then lets him run around and adventure through the fresh cut green grass and large magnolia trees, sniffing the...

City of sewage

If you thought cleaning rotten eggs sitting in your fridge was bad, think again. An aroma of urine and feces roams the underground city known as the sewers. Four hundred million gallons of raw sewage are being pumped into Hyperion Treatment Plant a day making it the city’s largest wastewater treatment plant. Located in southwest Los Angeles, the...
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