Kelly Goff
OK, so a monk, a glassblower and a pirate walk into a rave… No, I don’t have a punchline to the joke, but rather I present to you a compilation of some of the subjects of the Spring 2008 issue of The Bull. Rushing between classes and after-school jobs, sometimes it’s easy to forget that your classmates are much more than just bodies there to fill up the room while you get your education. So we’ve put together a montage of people and activities that keep Pierce students busy after hours, from political activism to a band of pirates. No, literally, a musical band whose members fancy themselves pirates. Our reporters gathered details from the daily lives of students of all ages and ethnicities and tackled the serious issues- battling with mental illness while trying to complete a degree and a student trying to escape his former life of drug dealing – to the fun and frivolous – vintage fashion at a reasonable price and your top five nightlife spots in a variety of genres. The goal of this issue was to present as many faces of the campus community and their interests as possible, and I think we managed to encompass the diverse population that calls Pierce home.
If you glanced at our back cover, then you also noticed our pet project this semester – and we hope your new favorite bookmark. While we launched our Web site last semester, this marks the first time in the history of the magazine that more content will be posted online than in our printed edition. With new calendar sections that make referencing school, concert and other off-campus events easy to find; a new entertainment subsection with reviews of the latest games, movies and more, and expanded multimedia, photo galleries and longer stories that accompany our print edition, hopes to be a place that the Pierce community can go for information, profiles and in-depth information on a wide-range of subjects. Sign up for the site and tell us what you think.
Catching a peek of a person in the midst of something important to them is exhilarating. We have been fortunate that people so obviously busy with their off-campus activities have chosen to give us a window to take that peek.
Enjoy the view.
— Kelly Goff, Editor
