Ranch Blessing

The Pierce College Farm has been open despite campus being closed because of COVID-19.

The only people allowed on campus are essential workers, which includes the four full-time workers and five student workers on the farm. They care for 205 animals.

Agricultural technician Natalie Albizo said there were 596 students helping with the farm before the Safer at Home order.

“It’d be anywhere between four and eight students twice a day for two hours,” Albizo said. “They would come in and clean the waters, feed them and rake pens. Now that they’re not here, I do that myself with my student workers.”

Farm Manager Marcie Sakadjian said the farm animals have noticed the change in personnel.

“I think they missed the human interaction,” Sakadjian said. “Our animals are used to a bunch of students here. They like people because they know that people equals food, generally. So, they like being around people.”