Monday, March 17, 2025

Fall 2020/Winter 2021

The Mental Health Issue Editor-in-Chief: Peter Villafane Photo Editor: Katya Castillo Reporters: Ariel Gil, Kamryn Bouyett, Luis Mendoza, Joey Farriola, Elizabeth Dowell, Paige Chestnut Photographer: Benjamin Hanson

Spring/Summer 2020

The "Animals" Issue Editor-in-Chief: Chelsea Westman Managing Editor: Peter Villafane Design Editor: Meilani Welbeck Photographers: Atena Naghi and Adam Baron Reporters: Hannah Davis, Giselle Ormeno, Aimee Perez and Nathan George

Making It Up

The past to the future with Master Makeup Artist Dr. Barbara Layne. This is one unique woman. Her personality is so comforting. Ms. Layne has a welcoming heart with lots of experience not just in makeup but lots of other things. The lovely lady started an exciting career...

Fall 2019/ Winter 2020

The "Live Performance" Issue Editor-in-Chief: Cameron Kern Managing Editor/ Photo Editor: Kevin Lendio Social Media Editor: Belen Hernandez Photographer: Maja Losinska Reporters: Jackson Hayano, Sonya Miller, Meilani Welbeck, Abdul Alsadi, Giselle Ornemo, Arielle...

The Duality of the Afterlife

I took these photos because this is what I envision when I see the afterlife. Lights and darks, two separate entities that cross but never overstep each others boundaries. Similar to Yin and Yang. This is an effort of translating what I see through my eyes into the print to give others the same perspective...

Changing the Game

A fresh white canvas sits prepped and ready. With the simple pull of a trigger, paint sprays from the airbrush. The nearly invisible mist covers both fabric and tape, bringing life and vibrance to the new piece. But it won’t be hung in a gallery or a home. In fact, this work of art will spend most of the time...

Spray Paint Maven

A 7-year-old stuck at a railroad crossing stands along a stretch of metal tracks that extend as far as the eye can see. A swiftly approaching train of 70-plus graffiti-cloaked cars—painted with culture and history—flies by the face of a child, offering her first glimpse into the world of street art. The impression that blossomed at the train tracks stayed...

These Walls Tell Stories

Hidden inside studio walls in The Brewery Artist Lofts in Los Angeles, vibrant colors dance on the walls as Andre Miripolsky proudly displays his LA-centric work in almost every inch of his creation space. It is in this city that he has truly discovered his creative muse that has allowed him to be self-employed since 1982. “Looking at my life,...
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