Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Behind the glitz and glamour

Here is a glimpse into the fashion industry in Los Angeles and film program at Pierce College through the eyes of a fashion journalist student and professional wardrobe stylist. The entertainment business is a hard industry to break into and this is a small look into the short "Fashion + Film = Entertainment" video that accompanies the "Creativity is a...

End of this journey

This has been a journey to push myself and my creativity to a new level. The Spring 2014 issue of The Bull magazine is about taboos. Therefore, I attempted to shed some light on the taboos of the fashion and entertainment industry. The biggest taboo in this industry is not to talk about the downfalls of the business, which posed a...

Breaking the color barrier

For Adam Mendelson and Miranda Mendoza, a modern-day interracial couple's struggle isn't always discrimination, but other people's perception of them.

But first, let me take a selfie

Emily Adad, a Pierce College communications major who was featured in The Bull magazine, is now featured in a video interview where she discusses tips for taking the perfect selfie and shards her thoughts on social media in general. Among some of Adad's tips is makeup, lighting and purpose for the photo. Adad said she thinks of selfies as an...

Body art, by the numbers

There are many reasons people choose to get permanent body ink. Today’s culture carries a lot of lore in association to tattoos.  A recent Harris Poll looks at the number of Americans who currently have tattoos, and what those tattoos may say about them. Currently, one in five U.S. adults has at least one tattoo, which is up from the...

Repercussions of animal testing

Dogs’ status as “man’s best friend” offers them no protection from being locked in lonely cages and forced to endure excruciating experiments. According to huffingtonpost.com, nearly 75,000 dogs, including thousands of homeless animals from shelters, are tormented in U.S. laboratories every year. PETA’s undercover investigation inside the laboratories of the University of Utah revealed that the school was purchasing homeless dogs...

Is racism becoming a non-issue?

Recently, I was a part of a conversation where a person made a comment that the topic of mixed race relationships was not a prevalent issue anymore. Maybe that person meant it wasn’t newsworthy subject matter, but either way, I respectfully disagree. The individual who made the statement was not in any way being callous or rude. They like anyone...

Pet treatment: Man on the street

Check out what Pierce College students had to say.

Plagiarism in the ‘real’ world

Most people are familiar with plagiarism when it comes to the written word. But plagiarism comes in many forms. Many times, creative people are plagiarized and their work is used for the gain of a larger purpose. That purpose usually is a big business that does not feel the need to credit the individual(s) that created the work of art. I...
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